About Me

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I'm a part-time teacher-librarian and mother of two wonderful children. My Libra tendencies compel me to constantly seek balance in my life. This isn't always easy but it's fun to try! For my mind, I have a challenging occupation, which demands a lot but is stimulating and always allows me to grow and learn. For my body, I love to skate-ski and I'm an avid "spinner". I jog and do other fitness activities because I have to. For my spirit, I enjoy reading great books, and sharing time with a beautiful, inspiring group of women. My greatest joy comes from time spent with my amazing husband and family.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Week 1-Reponse to readings: A reflection on my dinosaur ways

Just read the fabulous article by Asselin, M. & Doiron R. Toward a Transformative Pedagogy for School Libraries. I think I'm starting to "get it" a little.

In Asselin's article, I was introduced for the first time to such terms as the "Net Generation" and "digital native". My interaction with many of the 2.0 technologies has been quite minimal to date. Other than e-mail, internet surfing and the odd Facebook entry, I have been somewhat purposefully oblivious to what is going on in the techno-world. As someone who likes to sit in a comfy chair and read a nice linearly presented book, I find the tools very busy and overwhelming. What I'm starting to realize though is that it isn't about me. While personally I may seldom choose to interact with these technologies, as a teacher or teacher-librarian it is my responsibility to help my students develop "competancy in the new literacies of the Internet" (Asselin) so that they can fully participate in our rapidly changing society.

The views in Asselin's article were also reflected in one of the YouTube videos that Joanne posted on Twitter. Although I wasn't loving its country music presentation (sorry country music lovers!), the message was one to consider: "Prepare us (students) for the future and not YOUR past"

I will keep these thoughts in mind as I try to bring my dinosaur brain into the 21st century.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder that we are in a position to prepare our students for their future, not our pasts. That is such an important thing to remember as we prepare to teach 21st century students!
